Ah, why does she keep ululating to the tones of victimness when everyone arrived to the auditorium for the rousing Sousa hoe-down about Group Energies? Because resolving our own victim-consciousness make us stronger people/practitioners/friends/parents/leaders/etc. …Yeah, yeah, sure, sure…
REALLY, though, it’s because Victim soul parts are not walking our destiny with us—they do not live in the present with us. They are younger parts of us that have not matured with the rest of ourselves. They are stuck in an event (and causal misperception) that leaves them with an insatiable need or craving—until we go back and redeem them (and fit them with corrective perceptual eye-wear). This is the REAL meaning of Redemption. It’s not about an external Hand of God reaching down and saving poor little us. It’s about assuming our own Godheads/Goddessheads to reclaim our suffering soul parts—even reaping meaning/significance/depth from our experiences. See the last few paragraphs of the last post.
What does that mean to have stuck soul parts? It means that there are fragments of us that act like Hungry Ghosts…the other end of spectrum from our Compassionate Selves. These parts of ourselves perpetuate (and perpetrate) their condition because they cannot get their needs fulfilled. They influence us (usually unconsciously), and we are entirely responsible for them.
Examples of our own Hungry Ghost Self-Talk: “I would be so much better if only my husband would….” “Why does my boss have to be such a Wad?” “If my parents only understood me, I could’ve been…” “I can’t get a break; this world sucks.” “If my daughter would lose her attitude, we could have such a great relationship.” “If only I had someone to love me and I felt loved, everything else would fall into place.” These statements are so mundane, yet they create a background chorus that affect our actions, our attitudes, our intentions, our shamanic work, our family, our community, and our lives.
Don’t get me wrong. If you truly feel that your boss is a Wad or that your spouse is Miscreant, you need to start there…where your real feelings are. Don’t try to short-cut the process by staying “in the light” because that’s just a fast-track to denial and fake enlightenment. Instead, call for some serious Compassionate Spirit juice to hold space for your process so that vitriol can alchemize to gold—and be OPEN to whatever they tell you, even if they tell you things you don’t want to admit.
The common denominator to these statements is that they are holding the conditions of their happiness/fulfillment to an authority outside themselves. They lack the belief in self-authority (the capacity to “author” one’s life). Until we reclaim that belief, healing will remain a slippery slope.
If our goal is to increase our Compassionate status (and tie up all these loose ends), then we need to take care of these parts of us instead of demonizing them for causing us so much grief. We need to not mistake them for possessing entities just because we’ve disclaimed them in our determined march toward Enlightenment.
And, being Compassionate Spirit Releasement Specialists, we don’t want to leave behind any stuck or unclaimed portions of ourselves after death because we know better. We don’t want to leave Hungry Ghosts that may have no other choice than to band together with other resonant fragments and create aggregates that continue to affect our descendants or future generations. So all of those non-compassionate aggregate energies out there…yeah, we all share that responsibility. And now you can see how vitally the act of Self Redemption (also: reclamation or recapitulation) relates to Group Energy work.
So one more detail about working on the Victim…
One of the requisites to releasing ourselves from victimhood is to drop the idea of the Perpetrator—whether the perps are our parents, our spouses, our coworkers, our society, our not-with-it Ancestors, our teachers, our bosses…you get the idea. These are not opposing patterns, but extreme aspects of the SAME issue—in this case, the polarization of power and authority (at least, how our culture defines power and authority). Psychologists know that people perpetrate crimes because they themselves have been abused. It’s their way of trying to reclaim some of their lost power, albeit in terribly unfabulous, uncreative, ugly ways. In other words, Perpetrators have Inner Victims—they must if they act as they do.
And by way of side benefit, healing our victimhood opens the door for the other party to heal their perpetrator patterns because we’re unclenching the death grip that held the fragments of both parties locked in their respective Victim/Perpetrator roles. But that wonderful cascade of healing starts with removing the Victim mask from ourselves and the Perpetrator mask from “the other."
Before we go further, I need to state something outright. You canNOT force living people to give up their anger, hate, resentment, pain, and anything else that contributes to their victimhood. It is a huge task to release and heal these things, especially in this society, and if they’re not ready to take up this gauntlet then you run the very real risk of becoming their next Perpetrator by trying to force them into a process that they’re not ready for. You can give them things to consider to make an informed decision, but it’s ultimately the strength of the client’s Will that upholds any healing. And Free Will (another huge topic) is the final trump card in this world. It’s the reason why some people can sabotage their own healing, and have recurring “relapses” after leaving the healing room.
Real power and authority (we practitioners hopefully realize more and more) is a very different thing, a very healing thing, a very Noble Warrior thing. It’s a Warrior thing to ball up your chicken guts and pull the Perpetrator mask off your “opponent.”
And the more of us that do that, the more we strengthen the Morphic Fields which can help pull other people out of their Victimhood.
So here we are: Morphic Fields…. Stay tuned for the next post.
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